Tania, thanks for sharing this. Those are some really great thoughts on parenting. Every time someone writes a book on parenting, I say "Okay but how old are your kids and how did they turn out?" Ha! So this is really cool to read. Reminds me of a lot of the things I've read by Sarah Clarkson and her children.
Also, I've never thought about the difference between pleasure and enjoyment! Wow! I'll be thinking about that for awhile.
I love how you think and I'm excited to read more from you!
Oh oops, I meant to say Sally Clarkson :) Sarah is one of her kids, and she's a writer too. Her book "Different" is written about parenting a child who thinks differently (OCD, ODD, ADHD, etc.), and her son actually wrote half the book with her!
Yes, truly! I am in love with the concept of this blog. I'm convinced that if you don't do something from the heart, you're not going to keep doing it (or doing it well.) I was just talking about that with my kids this morning. If they don't WANT to clean their rooms, they're probably not going to do a good job cleaning them. Same goes for me! Motivation is such a huge part of our every action.
Tania, thanks for sharing this. Those are some really great thoughts on parenting. Every time someone writes a book on parenting, I say "Okay but how old are your kids and how did they turn out?" Ha! So this is really cool to read. Reminds me of a lot of the things I've read by Sarah Clarkson and her children.
Also, I've never thought about the difference between pleasure and enjoyment! Wow! I'll be thinking about that for awhile.
I love how you think and I'm excited to read more from you!
Oh thanks! Googling Sarah Clarkson now :) I think "I love how you think" is one of the best compliments ever!!
Oh oops, I meant to say Sally Clarkson :) Sarah is one of her kids, and she's a writer too. Her book "Different" is written about parenting a child who thinks differently (OCD, ODD, ADHD, etc.), and her son actually wrote half the book with her!
Yes, truly! I am in love with the concept of this blog. I'm convinced that if you don't do something from the heart, you're not going to keep doing it (or doing it well.) I was just talking about that with my kids this morning. If they don't WANT to clean their rooms, they're probably not going to do a good job cleaning them. Same goes for me! Motivation is such a huge part of our every action.
It makes me so happy that you GET IT. Once you have those intrinsic motivation goggles on, you may see it everywhere :)
I'll definitely check out "Different"!
Thinking about #1 and also your interest in music, check this out - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eCEvDXJpDg
It's part of her "Lullabies for Parents"project.
Aw, this warms my heart. I love this:
"Maybe in some ways, showing you my flaws,
will make you kinder to yourself when you see yours"
Thank you Chad 💛